2016 Cookie Form is here!!!

So the 2016 GS Cookie Sale officially began on January 2… 5 days later I am happy to give you the 2016 order form! The form will be sent out later in the day to all email subscribers… YAY 🙂 In the mean time here is a quick preview of what it looks like! Happy Cookie selling to all!

2016 Cookie Order Form

*this is available to all new email subscribers through the end of January 2016. Also, the form is made for the cookies available in our area. I understand each area has different cookies available. Depending on time constraints and some other life events taking place for myself and my family, I may or may not be able to customize the form for each area. If you require different cookies etc please respond to the email coming out today. The personalized ones will take some time to complete and send out, please allow 3-5 business days.


61 thoughts on “2016 Cookie Form is here!!!

  1. Janet Tinajero says:

    I JUST joined – so no email yet!
    Since our cookies are different in our area – could you send the form to me in a document that is NOT PDF? I could just change it myself if you don’t have time.
    If you do have time, our cookie list is as follows:
    Cranberry Citrus Crisps
    Thin Mints
    Peanut Butter Patties
    Caramel deLites
    Peanut Butter Sandwich

    Thanks so much! Looking forward to getting this new form!
    Janet Tinajero


  2. Jennifer says:

    Hi. I just signed up as an email subscriber. Will the GS cookie form be emailed automatically or do I need to request it? Thanks so much!


  3. Sarah says:

    Hi, I love your template. But haven’t received a copy to my email yet. I also would need to make a few changes…is that something I can do?



  4. Jay says:

    Hello, thank you for sharing your creativity! I have been searching for a a supplemental template for our Daisy troop. This is my daughters first year and in a brand new troop. Is it possible to receive the template today? Our troop Cookie Manager is requesting all orders in by this Friday night and we have many people that would still like to order. I can make the necessary changes to save your time. Kindly- Jay


  5. Daisy Mom says:

    Hi, I just started following your blog as an email subscriber today. I was emailed a link to the 2014 and 2015 cookie order form templates, but I was hoping to get the 2016 template. Could you please send it to me? This form is fabulous! Thanks so much for sharing it with sister scouts!


    • OneTalentedMom says:

      I love being able to share these with my sister scouts and it makes me so happy to help in any way! Thanks for following me and Happy Cookie Season! 🙂

      Ps… you should’ve received the form already; if not please let me know!


    • OneTalentedMom says:

      Awe thank you, and thank you for subscribing!!! I’m sorry to say but the time for the free cookie order for has passed. It was over at the end of January (on Sunday). Please keep your eyes out for other freebies coming!!!


    • OneTalentedMom says:

      Hey! The cookie form was from the past 2 cookie seasons. Sadly, my daughter decided to not continue with Girl Scouts this year, so I did not make a new one! Keep a look out for some new printable coming though ❤


    • OneTalentedMom says:

      Hey! The cookie form was from the past 2 cookie seasons. Sadly, my daughter decided to not continue with Girl Scouts this year, so I did not make a new one! Keep a look out for some new printable coming though ❤


    • OneTalentedMom says:

      Hey! The cookie form was from the past 2 cookie seasons. Sadly, my daughter decided to not continue with Girl Scouts this year, so I did not make a new one! Keep a look out for some new printables coming though ❤


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