Its been Complicated…

So, first and foremost I would like to apologize for being MIA for a while now. Its been a long, and complicated pregnancy for the past 16 weeks or so. Here’s what has been happening. If you or anyone you know has dealt with anything similar, please let me know! Also, if you have any questions, don’t be scared to ask!!!

Started with 16w blood draw, AFP (Alpha Fetal Protein) results came back elevated (normal is 2 and below, mine was 3.2). Went to high risk dr for anatomy scan, and also met with genetics counselor. Scans showed no signs of spina bifida, or any other physical deformities. Since the physical parts were ruled out we were told that we would be monitored closely for preterm labor, IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) and some other things that could cause problems down the line.

24w apt dr made a comment that baby’s femurs were measuring smaller than average, but since I’m shorter than average (5ft) they weren’t too concerned.

28w apt had monthly measurment scan and met with dr who said that femurs and humerous’ were measuring 4 weeks behind, under the 10th percentile and that there was cause to believe baby had a form of skeletal displasia (dwarfism). Referred us back to the high risk dr.

29w high risk apt.(Friday) had full measurement scan and dr explained she didnt believe that baby had a form of skeletal displasia because he was measuring 4 weeks behind completly across the board (they usually see unequal measurments with those diagnosis). Said the goal at that point was to get me to 37 weeks (July 12), and she wouldn’t allow me to go further than that. Made a plan for growth scans every 2 weeks, and weekly doppler apts until delivery. During apt, bp was very high and had protein in my urine. Sent me to the hospital for continuous montring for the rest of the day. Left the hospital that night with a 24-hr urine collection prescription. did it over the weekend and handed in to the lab on Monday.

Called reg ob dr wed about urine results and was informed that I did, in fact, have preeclampsia and that their office could no longer handle the complications of my pregnancy and I would now be referring directly to the high risk dr from then on out.

30w apt (Friday) high risk dr. During scan, blood flow was showing signs of AEDF (Absent Umbilical Arterial End Diastolic Flow) [had shown signs the week prior, but they didnt mention it then]. Was told that due to the severity of it and how much it had declined in only 1 week that I was being sent to the hospital where they would be admitting me and keeping me until delivery. Met hubby at home, had some lunch, packed my hospital bag and made my way to the hospital.

It is now Thursday afternoon! I am currently 31+2. Was told on Friday that they would love to get me to 34 weeks, but didnt anticipate getting in another 1-2. NST done every 12 hours, ultrasounds every other day. Sunday’s scan showed the flow exactly the same as Friday’s apt, but Tuesday”s scan showed an actual improvement!!! I have my next scan in the morning and am praying to continue with the good news!!!

Just taking everything one day at a time right now!!! Hoping, praying and keeping positive that our little boy either continues or improves and stays put for a while longer!!! No baby until June 21, earliest!!! Positive thoughts 🙂

2 thoughts on “Its been Complicated…

  1. Brandy VonSeggern says:

    I found your blog though a magic eraser post. Anyway I got an email that unexspectingly led me here. I’m very sad and concerned that your posts stopped after June. I have 4 children 2 of which were very scary. Long term stays in the NICU. It is exhausting and petirfieing experience that lasts far longer than the NICU stays. Anyway, I just wanted to reach out as a stranger that is here if you need to talk. I got to a point with both pregnancies that ended in the NICU that I only ever wanted the connection with the people that didn’t know me in my everyday life. It was just easier, somehow they understood more. I hope this reply finds your family well, I hope that you consider continuing this blog. I think you have a really good thing going her ate One Talented Mom!



    • OneTalentedMom says:

      Hey Brandy! Thank you so much for reaching out! I apologize that it has taken me so long to post again and even reply to comments. With everything that went on over the past year, the blog had to take a back seat, which from your comment, I’m sure you understand! I finally posted a bit of an update today and am looking forward to getting back into things here! Hope to get to know you better and keep an eye out for more ❤


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